Network Switch Command Outputs
Within the dynamic code editor it is possible to read additional command outputs for supported network switches using the SSH support functions.
- Ensure that the agent plugin is configured to run after agent scan in the plugin properties.
- Cast the item as a network switch.
- Execute the required command and store the response as a NetworkSwitchCommandOutput object.
- Assign a new unique identifier in GUID format for the command output, this ensure consistency when comparing items.
/// <summary>
/// Reads additional command outputs for network switches.
/// </summary>
public override void Execute()
if (!Ssh.IsConnected){ return; }
NetworkSwitch networkSwitch = (NetworkSwitch)Item;
String response = Ssh.ExecuteManualCommand("show version");
NetworkSwitchCommandOutput output = new NetworkSwitchCommandOutput();
output.CommandText = "show version";
output.DisplayName = "Switch Version Information";
output.Identifier = new Guid("ec797b2c-5d39-415f-8294-98ab3410cb96");
output.OutputText = response;