Rule Identifier

The unique identifier of the rule in GUID format.

Rule Name

The unique descriptive name for the rule.

Host Name

The NetBIOS computer name of the machine running the XIA Configuration Client that performed the scan to match - for example "DEMO-SRV01". This field is not case sensitive. A value of "*" matches any client host name.


The name of the user account including domain name that was used to upload the data to the XIA Configuration Server to match - for example "CORP\svcXIAServer". 

This field is not case sensitive. A value of "*" matches any username.

Environment Identifier

The name of the environment identifier assigned to the item to match. This field is not case sensitive. A value of "*" matches any environment identifier. If the field is blank, only items with a blank environment identifier will match this rule.

Destination Container

The container or customer into which matching items are to be created.

Item Types

The item types to match. This allows different item types to be created in different containers or customers.