XIA Configuration Audit Windows Time & NTP Settings Check your Windows Time and NTP settings comply with security standards Watch Demo Video Download Free 30-Day Trial View Example Document Check your Windows Time and NTP settings comply with security standards across all your Windows machines with XIA Configuration. Use the built-in Windows compliance benchmark to expose servers and workstations that do not meet your security requirements. Learn more Screenshot of the Windows Time compliance benchmark results in the XIA Configuration web interface XIA Configuration has a non-intrusive architecture with agentless data collection and PowerShell support. Windows Time Audit and Documentation XIA Configuration automates the retrieval of Windows Time data across all the Windows machines on your network. The reporting feature allows you to query all your machines at once The compliance benchmarking feature allows you to check your data complies with security standards The PDF output feature allows you to export the data for external auditors Screenshot of Windows Time service settings in the XIA Configuration web interface Assess Windows Time Service Settings Audit and document your Windows Time settings with XIA Configuration. Show details Active Directory Domain Role Service Information Start Mode Service State Global Settings MaxNegPhaseCorrection MaxPosPhaseCorrection VMIC Provider Status Client Settings Enabled Client Type Special Poll Interval NTP Servers Server Settings Enabled Announce Flags The Windows Time service, also known as W32Time, synchronizes the date on Windows computers. Time synchronization is critical for the proper operation of many Windows services and line-of-business applications. Windows Time Service Report Run reports in XIA Configuration to retrieve information across all your Windows servers and workstations. For example, the following report retrieves information aligned to PCI DSS requirement 10.4.1. Screenshot showing the 10.4.1 Critical systems have the correct and consistent time (Windows) report output in the XIA Configuration web interface To see all the Windows settings supported by XIA Configuration, navigate up to Windows. Try auditing your Windows Time service settings for free No commitments. No costs. Try XIA Configuration today. Download Free 30-Day Trial Up to Windows