XIA Configuration - System Supported Citrix XenDesktop Site Scan Citrix XenDesktop sites with XIA Configuration Reporting Download Free 30-Day Trial Documentation Supported Platforms XIA Configuration supports the documentation of Citrix on the following versions: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 (to version 2009) Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.9, Any Edition Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.8, Any Edition Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.7, Any Edition Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.6, Any Edition Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.5, Any Edition Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.1, Any Edition Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.0, Any Edition Information documented by XIA Configuration Find out more about the Citrix XenDesktop information documented by XIA Configuration below: Applications AppDisks AppDNA Administrators Delivery Controllers Hosting Connections Licensing Delivery Groups Machine Catalogs Policies Zones Applications Document the following settings for published applications: Application name Application type App-V publishing settings Delivery settings Delivery groups File type associations Screenshot of published application settings in the XIA Configuration web interface AppDisks AppDisks allow administrators to package and manage applications independently of golden images. Audit the following AppDisk information: Name and Description AppDNA State Compatibility Reserved Machine SID State UID Virtual Disk Identifier Error Messages Hypervisor Connection Name Hosting Unit Names AppDNA Provides information about the connection details used to integrate XenDesktop with AppDNA. XIA Configuration provides the following AppDNA information: Enabled Address Database Username The screenshot below shows the AppDNA connection settings within Citrix Studio: Screenshot of Citrix Studio showing AppDNA connection settings XIA Configuration retrieves this information and displays these settings in its web interface: Screenshot of AppDNA connection settings in the XIA Configuration web interface The documentation generated by XIA Configuration also includes these settings: Screenshot of AppDNA connection settings in a document generated by XIA Configuration Administrators Document and track changes to the security of your Citrix XenDesktop site including: Administrator name Status Scopes Roles Screenshot showing Citrix XenDesktop site administrators in the XIA Configuration web interface Delivery Controllers Delivery Controllers are the central management component of a XenDesktop site and provide communication with hypervisors to distribute applications and desktops, authenticate and manages user access as well as brokering connections between users and their virtual desktops and applications. Run reports on the following information on delivery controllers: Controller version Name DNS name Active site services SID State Operating System Service pack Serial number Hardware manufacturer and model Screenshot showing delivery controller details in the XIA Configuration web interface Hosting (Hypervisor) Connections Hosting provides the connection details of the hypervisors to which the site is connected. Document the following hosting (hypervisor) connections information: General Settings Name Connection type Hypervisor address(es) Machine Count Persistent Plugin Id Preferred Controller Revision State Supports Local Storage Caching Supports Citrix Provisioning Services UID User Name Uses Cloud Infrastructure UUID Screenshot of general settings in a document generated by XIA Configuration Advanced settings Maximum simultaneous actions (all types) Maximum new actions per minute Maximum simultaneous personal vDisk inventory updates Maximum % simultaneous actions (all types) Connection Options Maximum % simultaneous personal vDisk inventory updates Resources Resources are the hypervisor network connections and storage that are made available to XenDesktop though hosting connections. Storage names Personal vDisk storage names Screenshot of resource settings in a document generated by XIA Configuration Scopes Names Descriptions Screenshot of scopes in a document generated by XIA Configuration Administrators Names Roles Is Account Enabled Screenshot of administrators in a document generated by XIA Configuration Licensing Audit the following licensing configuration: Licensing License Server Name License Server Port Licence Server URI Administration Console URL Licensing Burn-in Date Licensing Model Version Web Service Version Licenses Name Permission Level Type Subscription Advantage Date Quantity Screenshot of licensing configuration in a document generated by XIA Configuration Delivery Groups Delivery groups are collections of Active Directory users with access to a common group of resources within the site. XIA Configuration retrieves the following information about delivery groups: Name Functional Level Session Support Description Enabled Timezone Access Policy Restart schedule StoreFront connections Power management Screenshot of Citrix XenDesktop site delivery group settings in the XIA Configuration web interface Machine Catalogs Machine catalogs are collections of virtual or physical machines that can be managed as a single entity. Each machine in the catalog must have the same operating system and virtual delivery agent (VDA) installed. Generate Citrix documentation with the following information about machine catalogs: General Settings Name and Description Allocation type Functional Level Is Remote PC Is Physical Machine Persist User Changes Provisioning Type Session Support UID UUID Screenshot of machine catalog general settings in a document generated by XIA Configuration Machine information VDA Version Operating System Screenshot of machine information in a document generated by XIA Configuration Machine count Machine Count Assigned Count Unassigned Count Used Count Machines Names Operating Systems Associated User Names Administrators Names Roles Is Account Enabled Scopes Names Descriptions Screenshot of machine general settings in a document generated by XIA Configuration Policies Policies are groups of settings that define how sessions, bandwidth, and security are managed for a group of users, devices, or connection types. Document the following information on policies: Name Description Priority Is Enabled Policy settings Policy filters Screenshot of XenDesktop policy settings in the XIA Configuration web interface Zones Zones allow administrators to group well connected machine catalogs, delivery controllers and hosting connections together within a single site. Audit the following zones information: Name and Description UID Is Primary Items in Zone Screenshot of zone settings in the XIA Configuration web interface Try XIA Configuration for free No commitments. No costs. Try XIA Configuration today. Download Free 30-Day Trial Up to Citrix XenDesktop