Helps us and our clients save time, become more efficient and improve our customers’ desktop experience

We use XIA Automation and XIA Links in approximately 29 education institutions, we have found the software developed by CENTREL Solutions has proven to help us manage, maintain and organise our clients systems.

XIA Automation has allowed us to manage our customers more effectively and has also allowed many of our clients to manage specifics within Active Directory in a simple manner without compromising security.

XIA Links has been used to provide a simple user interface to allow users to find applications with ease by teaching staff and students - and is certainly an essential tool for them.

Overall, CENTREL Solutions has developed software to help us and our clients save time, become more efficient and improve our customers’ desktop experience, with a support team that is always on hand to assist, no matter the query.

We will continue to use CENTREL Solutions for the foreseeable future.

Matthew Parsons
Office Manager / Technical Support
D&D Network Services

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