XIA Configuration

IIS Server Documentation Tool

Automated documentation software to help you keep track of your IIS servers

Automatically document the configuration of your IIS servers with our IIS documentation tool XIA Configuration.

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Automatically generate your IIS server documentation

View an example IIS server document generated by XIA Configuration:

IIS documentation example generated by XIA Configuration
Automatically generate your IIS server documentation with XIA Configuration

XIA Configuration has a non-intrusive architecture with agentless data collection and PowerShell support.

Track changes & compare IIS servers

Compare different IIS servers to see differences or compare two versions of the same IIS server to see changes.

Screenshot showing the comparison of two different versions in the XIA Configuration web interface
Detect IIS server configuration changes such as an application being added

IIS Reporting

In addition to generating full IIS server documentation, you can run reports across your IIS servers to help both IT and business users get the information they need.

The reports are web-accessible and include filtering, sorting and exporting to CSV and PDF.

Screenshot showing the IIS sites detailed summary report in the XIA Configuration web interface
Get the data you need from your IIS servers

IIS Inventory

Automatically create an IIS server inventory by detecting IIS servers that are members of a domain.

Screenshot of Active Directory search and detection settings in the XIA Configuration Client
Automatically detect IIS servers in a domain

Relationship Map

XIA Configuration automatically detects relationships between the host server, sites, application pools and other items.

Screenshot showing an IIS relationship map in the XIA Configuration web interface
View your IIS server relationships

Web accessible IIS configuration

View the configuration of all your IIS servers on a single, central server via a web interface.

Screenshot showing IIS configuration in the XIA Configuration web interface
View your IIS configuration centrally in a web interface

Watch our IIS documentation software in action

See some of the benefits of XIA Configuration:

Watch our IIS documentation tool in action

Tutorial Video

Learn how to scan, audit and document IIS servers with XIA Configuration:

View Tutorial Video

For more information about Windows, please view the Windows page.

Try our IIS documentation software for free

No commitments. No costs. Try XIA Configuration today.

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