XIA Configuration - Feature
Include the location of your servers and devices in your documentation

Assign servers and devices to rooms or racks

XIA Configuration allows you to manually create rooms, racks, and locations then assign physical items such as servers or devices to those locations. Once complete, you can then navigate a treeview of your physical topology.

Screenshot showing location hierarchy in the XIA Configuration web interface
View the location of your physical items in the XIA Configuration web interface

Document the location of your devices

When items are assigned to a location, the full details of the location including the rack and room are included in your documentation:

Screenshot location information in a PDF
Include location information in your documentation

Location Address

Address information can be added to each location.

Screenshot showing the location address in the XIA Configuration web interface
View the location address in the XIA Configuration web interface

Rack Hardware Information

Hardware information can be added to each rack.

Screenshot showing rack hardware information in the XIA Configuration web interface
View rack hardware information in the XIA Configuration web interface

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