XIA Configuration was designed from the ground up to support multitenancy including multiple departments, directorates and customers, all within a single, shared, web-accessible management interface.
Whether you support in-house IT infrastructure, or you're an IT support provider with multiple customers, XIA Configuration can meet your organizational requirements.
Hide Data Based On Access Rights
With User Access Evaluation, data within the organizational tree can be hidden from customers based on their access rights.
A system administrator can see all customers:
A system administrator can see all customers
Each customer can only see their own data:
Customer A cannot see other customers
Automatically Organise Data
Item creation rules can be used to define how and where new items are created within the inventory. This allows items to be automatically placed into the relevant customer container.
Configure routing rules within XIA Configuration based on:
- Client Hostname
- Client Username
- Environment Identifier
- Item Type
Configure default rule to "catch all" and route to a secure container.
Item creation rules ensure items are created in the correct tenant
Manually Organise Data
Easily move items between containers in your organizational structure by selecting them and clicking Move to Container:
Manually move items
Set Tenant Security
Set security on individual items or on containers allowing granular security configuration of your data and your customers' data.
Specify permissions for your tenants
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