Automatically document the relationships between hardware and software devices (physical and virtual) with XIA Configuration.
Extend the automatically created relationship maps with manually created relationships and user defined relationship type definitions.
Relationship Map
Below is an example relationship map of a VMware environment:
Relationship map of a VMware environment
Relationship Table
The relationships are also presented in a table:
Relationship table of a VMware environment
Automatically Create Relationships
XIA Configuration automatically creates relationships between items such as a Windows server and the IIS server that it hosts.
Internal relationships are also created, for example, relationships between the IIS server and the web sites and application pools hosted within it.
Screenshot of an IIS relationship map in the XIA Configuration web interface
Manually Create Relationships
XIA Configuration allows you to manually create relationships between items such as the link between a Windows server and a network tape library used by that server for backup.
Screenshot of tape library relationships in the XIA Configuration web interface
Users can use the built-in search functionality to find the target item for the relationship.
Screenshot of the Add Manual Relationship dialog in the XIA Configuration web interface
Relationship Type Definitions
As well as the system managed relationships, it's also possible to create new custom relationship types.
Screenshot of relationship type definitions in the XIA Configuration web interface
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