XIA Links Feature

Smart Shortcuts with Application Detection

If you want to centrally manage the shortcuts presented to your users but you're experiencing difficulties because the computers on your network have applications with different versions or install locations, use XIA Links to resolve this issue.

Shortcut File Search Locations

Each shortcut in XIA Links supports:

  • Green tick Multiple possible locations of the same application
  • Green tick Multiple application versions installed on different machines
Screenshot of application location settings in the XIA Links interface
Specify multiple possible application locations

If the application is not found in any of the locations specified, the shortcut is hidden from the end user.

Limitations of Roaming Profiles or Group Policies

In a large company, it is common to use Roaming Profiles or Group Policies to configure which shortcuts are available for a user. However, there are limitations to this when used across PCs with different applications installed. The effect of this is that users are presented with inaccessible or dead shortcuts. With XIA Links, this issue of centralised desktop shortcut management is resolved.

For more information on shortcut file settings, please view the administrator's guide.

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