XIA Configuration

Active Directory Audit & Reporting Tool

Software to help you audit the configuration of your domains

Use our Active Directory reporting tool XIA Configuration to provide visibility into the configuration of your domains. Execute reports to retrieve settings and perform audits such as checking domain controllers or user accounts.

  • In-Depth Reporting
    Run reports to get the data you need to audit your domains
  • Centralized Auditing
    Audit settings across all your environments from a single web interface
  • Change Tracking
    Track changes to your Active Directory configuration

View all features >

XIA Configuration has a non-intrusive architecture with agentless data collection and PowerShell support.

Report on all your domains

Create custom reports or use the built-in reports to audit your configuration across multiple domains at once including:

A screenshot showing the Active Directory Domain Controllers report in the XIA Configuration web interface
Get data from all your Active Directory domains at once

Create and modify reports to get the data you need for your specific requirements.

Audit Domain Groups

Check the members of your domain groups to detect potential security issues.

Screenshot of the Active Directory domain groups summary report cover
Generate a PDF report of your Active Directory domain groups

Audit User Accounts Last Logon

Find stale accounts by checking when users last logged on to your domain.

Screenshot of the Active Directory User Accounts Last Logon Summary Report exported to CSV
Generate a CSV report of when users last logged on

Learn more about the reporting feature.

Watch our Active Directory reporting software in action

This video demonstrates our Active Directory reporting tool XIA Configuration.

Watch our Active Directory reporting tool in action

Tutorial Video

Learn how to scan, audit and document Active Directory with XIA Configuration:

View Tutorial Video

Try our Active Directory reporting tool for free