XIA Configuration - Feature


View the reports included with XIA Configuration

Active Directory

On-Premises Active Directory Domain

Group Policy

  • Administrative Templates
  • Extensions
  • Group Policy Objects
  • Security Options


  • DFS Namespaces

Backup Solution

Backup Exec

  • Agent Servers
  • Disk Storage Devices
  • Jobs
  • Media Sets
  • Server Encryption Keys
  • Server Logon Accounts
  • Servers
  • Storage Devices
  • Tape Storage Devices

Cloud Provider


  • Azure Tenants Detailed Summary
  • Azure Tenants Summary

Azure SQL Servers and Databases Reports

  • Azure SQL Databases Detailed Summary
  • Azure SQL Databases Summary
  • Azure SQL Server Firewall Rules
  • Azure SQL Servers Summary

Azure Subscription Reports

  • Azure Subscriptions Summary

Disk Reports

  • Azure Disks Detailed Summary
  • Azure Disks Summary

Network Interface Reports

  • Azure Network Interfaces Detailed Summary
  • Azure Network Interfaces Summary

Network Security Group Reports

  • Azure Network Security Group Rules Detailed Summary
  • Azure Network Security Group Rules Summary
  • Azure Network Security Groups Summary

Public IP Address Reports

  • Azure Public IP Addresses Summary

Resource Group Reports

  • Azure Resource Groups Summary

Resource Reports

  • Azure Other Resource Types Summary
  • Azure Resource Types Breakdown
  • Azure Resource Types Summary
  • Azure Resources Summary

Virtual Machine Reports

  • Azure Classic Virtual Machines Summary
  • Azure Virtual Machine Operating System Breakdown
  • Azure Virtual Machine Sizing
  • Azure Virtual Machines Summary

Web App Reports

  • Azure Web Apps Detailed Summary
  • Azure Web Apps SSL Summary
  • Azure Web Apps Summary

Entra Directory

  • Entra Directory Applications Summary
  • Entra Directory Group Members
  • Entra Directory Groups Summary
  • Entra Directory Role Assignments
  • Entra Directory Roles Summary
  • Entra Directory Users Summary


Compliance Benchmark

  • Compliance Benchmark Results
  • Compliance Benchmarks Summary


  • 2.1 Always change default passwords (Windows SNMP)
  • 2.2.1 Implement only one primary function per server
  • 8.1.4 Remove/disable inactive user accounts (Active Directory)
  • 8.1.4 Remove/disable inactive user accounts (Windows Local)
  • 8.1.6 and 8.1.7 Account Lockout
  • 8.2.3 Passwords/phrases must meet the following requirements
  • 8.2.4 Change user passwords at least every 90 days
  • 8.2.4 Change user passwords at least every 90 days (PSO)
  • 8.2.5 Do not use passwords that are the same as any of the previous four
  • 8.2.5 Do not use passwords that are the same as any of the previous four (PSO)
  • 10.4.1 Critical systems have the correct and consistent time (ESX)
  • 10.4.1 Critical systems have the correct and consistent time (Windows)

Database Server

SQL Instance

  • SQL Availability Groups
  • SQL Database Snapshots
  • SQL Databases
  • SQL Instances
  • SQL Instance Database Assemblies
  • SQL Instance Database Tables
  • SQL Instance Logins
  • SQL Instance Recently Created Databases
  • SQL Instance Recently Created Logins
  • SQL Instance Server Roles
  • SQL Instance Version and Edition Breakdown
  • SQL Instances Host Information
  • SQL Instances Recently Created
  • SQL Server Agent Jobs

Email System

Microsoft Exchange

  • Accepted Domains
  • Add-ins
  • Admin Roles
  • Certificates
  • Database Availability Groups
  • Distribution Groups
  • Dynamic Distribution Groups
  • Email Address Policies
  • Mailbox Database Copies
  • Mailbox Databases
  • Mailboxes
  • Receive Connectors
  • Send Connectors
  • Servers
  • Office 365 Groups


Common Hardware

  • Assigned Support Provisions
  • Items by Location
  • Serial Number Summary

Disk Shelf

  • Manufacturer Breakdown
  • Model Breakdown
  • Disk Shelf Overview

Tape Library

  • Manufacturer Breakdown
  • Model Breakdown
  • Tape Library Overview

Internal System


  • Access
  • Password Access


  • Client Installation Operating System Breakdown
  • Client Installation Version Breakdown
  • Client Scan Age
  • Client Scan Exceptions
  • Client Version
  • Client Scan Target Summary

Common Item

  • Checked Out Items Summary
  • Environment
  • Item Type Breakdown (Including Decommissioned)
  • Item Version Age


  • Decommissioned Items
  • Decommissioning Events
  • Recommissioning Events


  • License Requirements Summary

Password Lists

  • Custom Password List Entry Type Usage

Previous Versions

  • Previous Versions
  • Previous Versions Storage Information
  • Previous Versions Type Breakdown


  • Custom Relationship Type Usage


  • Built-in Reports Summary


  • Security Permissions

ServiceNow Integration

  • Item Synchronization Exceptions
  • Matched Items Summary

Usage and Diagnostics Data

  • Usage and Diagnostics Data

Microsoft Infrastructure Services

DHCP Server

  • Operating System Breakdown
  • IPv4 Subnets
  • IPv4 Option Values
  • IPv6 Subnets
  • Data Availability
  • Microsoft DHCP Servers

DNS Server

  • Servers
  • Server Conditional Forwarders
  • Server Operating System Breakdown
  • Server Root Hints
  • Server Trust Anchors
  • Zones

Microsoft Cluster

  • Clusters
  • Disk Volumes
  • IP Addresses
  • Nodes
  • Physical Disks
  • Resource Types
  • Resources
  • Roles
  • Clustered Hyper-V VM

Microsoft Network Load Balancing

  • Cluster Hosts
  • Clusters
  • Windows Machine NLB Status


  • Windows Servers running the WINS Service
  • WINS Service

Networking Device

Generic Network Device

  • Generic Network Devices

Network Storage Device

  • Firmware
  • Network Storage Devices

Network Switch

  • Network Switches
  • Manufacturer Breakdown
  • Model Breakdown

On-Premises Virtualization

Citrix XenApp Farm

  • Farms
  • Administrators
  • Applications
  • Load Evaluators
  • Servers
  • Zones

Citrix XenDesktop Site

  • Applications
  • Delivery Controllers
  • Delivery Groups
  • Detailed Applications
  • Hosting Connections
  • Machine Catalogs
  • Machines
  • Site Administrators
  • Site Policies
  • Site Policy Settings
  • Sites

Hyper-V Server

  • Guest Operating System Breakdown
  • Hosts
  • Virtual Machines

Remote Desktop Session Host

  • Connection (Session) Broker Summary
  • Connections (Terminals) Overview
  • Operating System Breakdown
  • RemoteApp Application Detailed Summary
  • RemoteApp Application Summary
  • Terminal Server Overview


  • Clusters
  • Datastores
  • Distributed Switches
  • Hosts
  • Host to Physical Host Item Mappings
  • Hosts Firewall Rules
  • Hosts NTP Settings
  • Hosts Security
  • Hosts Service
  • Security Roles
  • Virtual Machines
  • Virtual Machine Hard Drives
  • Virtual Machine Hardware
  • Virtual Machine Network Adapters

Unix Systems

Local Accounts

  • Local Groups
  • Local Users


  • Logical Drives
  • Operating System Breakdown
  • Software Packages


  • Platform Breakdown
  • Systems

Unmanaged Item


  • Contact Details


  • Resource Images

Software Lifecycle

  • Software Lifecycle Summary
  • Software Package Component Deployment
  • Software Package Deployment
  • Software Package Deployment Count
  • Software Packages

Support Provisions

  • Assigned Support Provisions

Web Server

IIS Server

Application Pools

  • IIS Application Pools Detailed Summary
  • IIS Application Pools Summary


  • IIS Applications Summary

IIS Features

  • IIS Logging Settings Summary
  • IIS SSL Settings Summary

Management Features

  • IIS Centralized Certificates Summary
  • IIS Management Service Summary
  • IIS Shared Configuration Summary


  • IIS Server Operating System Breakdown
  • IIS Servers Summary


  • IIS Site Bindings Certificate Summary
  • IIS Site Bindings Detailed Summary
  • IIS Site Bindings Summary
  • IIS Sites Detailed Summary
  • IIS Sites Summary

Windows Machine


  • All Windows Desktops
  • All Windows Laptops
  • Hardware Summary
  • Management Controller
  • Windows Disk Volume NTFS Access Rules
  • Windows Disk Volume NTFS Audit Rules
  • Windows Disk Volume Summary
  • Windows Machine Devices Summary
  • Windows Machine Disk Drives Summary
  • Windows Machine Manufacturer Breakdown
  • Windows Machine Model Breakdown
  • Windows Printer Summary


  • Remote Desktop Summary
  • Shared Folder Share Permissions
  • Shared Folders [With invalid directory path]
  • Shared Folders Summary
  • Windows Machine IP Address Summary


  • Service Accounts
  • SSL Certificates
  • Windows Account Lockout Policy Summary
  • Windows Advanced Audit Policy Summary
  • Windows Audit Policy Summary
  • Windows Firewall Configuration Summary
  • Windows Firewall Rules Summary
  • Windows LAPS Settings Summary
  • Windows Machine Installed Patches Summary
  • Windows Machine Latest Installed Patches Summary
  • Windows Machine Microsoft Defender Summary
  • Windows Machine Security Identifiers Summary
  • Windows Password Policy Summary
  • Windows Secure Channel Protocols Summary
  • Windows Security Options
  • Windows Update Configuration Summary
  • Windows User Rights Assignments Summary

Users and Groups

  • Local Administrator Accounts
  • Local Administrators Group Membership
  • Local Group Membership


  • .NET Framework Detailed Summary
  • .NET Framework Summary
  • Documented File Detailed Summary
  • Documented File Summary
  • Environment Variables
  • Internet Explorer
  • Processes Summary
  • Recently Installed Software
  • Scheduled Task Summary
  • Server Roles and Features
  • Shadow Copy Configuration
  • Software Installation Detailed Summary
  • Installed Software Report
  • System-Level Proxy Summary
  • Windows Machine DNS Client
  • Windows Machine Time Zones Summary
  • Windows Operating System Breakdown
  • Windows License Activation Status
  • Windows Operating System
  • Windows PowerShell
  • Windows Registry Value Summary
  • Windows Server Functions Summary
  • Windows Service Not Installed
  • Windows Service Summary
  • Windows Time Server Settings Summary
  • Windows Time Settings Summary

Windows Event Logs

  • Windows Event Log Entries
  • Windows Event Log Entry Details
  • Windows Event Logs Detailed Summary
  • Windows Event Logs Summary


  • Windows Machine Summary
  • Windows Server Detailed Summary

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